Monday, August 26, 2013

College applications

In just a couple of months, many students in the United States will be sending off college applications. It can be a daunting process that unnerves even the most confident of students. Time and time again students second guessing their interests, abilities, and accomplishments when it comes to applying for college.

This weekend, I happened across three items that I'd like to share with you about college applications and narrowing down college choices. I hope you find these helpful.

First, "Writing the Right College-Entrance Essay" from The Wall Street Journal. I love the advice in this article. What it comes down to is being true to yourself. Click HERE for the article.

Second, NPR recently ran a story about using LinkedIn to learn more about different colleges. Click HERE for that story.

Third, if you have any literary interests, this list suggests the the top 25 most literary colleges in the United States. (Pssst...mine is number 7!). Click HERE for that story.

I wish you the best whether you are a parent or a student enduring the applications process!

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